Hi there! This is Haruka from HR team.
A few weeks ago Women Who Code Tokyo meetup was happening at our Tokyo office! It was a kind of cozy and open event for new joiners so that seemingly participants were pretty enjoying study session and chatting to other engineers with served nice foods:D
数週間前にWomen Who Code Tokyoのミートアップが弊社東京officeで開催されました! イベントはとても親しみやすく初めての人も参加しやすい雰囲気で、参加者の皆様はご飯を片手にもくもくと会や他エンジニアとの会話を楽しまれている様子でした:D
Actually that was the first time we provide a venue for Women Who Code in Tokyo, but we’ve been continuously pushing so hard to support tech women community in Manilla from several years ago. With @kjcpass who is one of co-directors of Women Who Code in Manilla we’ve sponsored regular meetup and hackathon dedicatedly among other things.
東京officeでWomen Who Codeへの会場を提供したのは今回が初めてでしたが、実は私達は数年前からManillaで継続的に女性Techコミュニティへの支援に努めています。Women Who Code in Manillaの共同ディレクターの一人である@kjcpassを筆頭に定期的に実施されるmeetupやハッカソンへのスポンサーをしてきました。
“Diversity” is one of Quipper’s core values. We strongly believe that people with a wide variety of backgrounds would impact the industry and make the world better.
To conclude, if you’re interested in Women Who Code check links below out and be part of it!
最後に、もしあなたがWomen Who Codeに興味がある場合は下記のリンクをチェックして、ぜひ一員になってみてはいかがでしょうか!